It is spring and the snow and ice are melting in the brooks and ponds. Many animals are coming out of hibernation. The beavers, who have been active in their lodge, are starting to come outside to repair their dam and lodge. A young beaver has been learning all she will need to know to be on her own. It is nearly time. She explores the area but comes home at night. The father, brother, and young beaver spend time repairing their dam and lodge. When they come home, they find that the mother beaver has had two new kits. Suddenly, the lodge is too crowded. The young beaver sets off the next day to find a new place to build her own lodge and her new life.
Becky Cushing Gop has written a complete and fascinating chronicle of the life of a young beaver, explaining the problems and opportunities she faces and introducing many of the flora and fauna of the beaver’s habitat. Illustrator Carrie Shryock has completed the story with gorgeous, detailed drawings of all that can be found where beavers live. This is a real tour de force in STEM writing for children. Don’t miss it.