Island Girls: A Novel
Fun Summer Read By Nancy Thayer Ballantine Books, $26.00, 320 pages Nancy Thayer has created characters that you will instantly like (and hate) in her book, Island Girls. Rory Randall’s three daughters (all from different marriages) read the will with disbelief that...Lola’s Secret: A Novel
A Highly Enjoyable Story of Plans Gone Awry By Monica McInerney Ballantine Books, $15.00, 352 pages Octogenarian Lola Quinlan has always enjoyed connecting…whether it’s matchmaking, making new friends or connecting needy people with things they need. Her...Dream Team: How Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forever
“Dream Team” Delivers the Gold By Jack McCallum Ballantine Books, $28.00, 352 pages The 1992 Summer Olympics marked the first time professional American men competed on the basketball court, and Sports Illustrated writer Jack McCallum was there with unprecedented...Read moreProfessional Chef Converts Recipes For Home Kitchens