by George Erdosh | Dec 26, 2014 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Art, Design & Photography
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Bloomsbury Formats: Hardcover, Kindle Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert] We see tattoos everywhere. Some we admire, some disgust or shock us, and many we puzzle over, but we...
by Site Owner | Jun 24, 2014 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), General Fiction
A Revealing Story of Grief and Recovery By Elizabeth Day Bloomsbury, $16.00, 250 pages In Home Fires, author Elizabeth Day introduces readers to three main characters: Andrew and Caroline – a recently bereave couple whose only son has died in South Sudan while on...
by Site Owner | May 7, 2014 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Nature, Outdoors & Animals
By Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson Bloomsbury, $26.00, 224 pages Jeffery Moussaieff Masson, author of the acclaimed novel When Elephants Weep, sets out to discover the origins of human violence in his new book Beasts: What Animals Can Teach Us About the Origins of Good and...
by Site Owner | May 5, 2014 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Historical Fiction
An Intimate Portrait of the Women of Los Alamos By TaraShea Nesbit Bloomsbury, $25.00, 240 pages Nesbit’s novel chronicles the Los Alamos project from a unique perspective, that of the wives of nuclear scientists on the New Mexico military base in 1943. These women...
by Site Owner | Mar 31, 2014 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), History
The stories of Russia in America By Owen Matthews Bloomsbury, $28.00, 384 pages Owen Matthews’ Glorious Misadventures tells the story of Nikolai Rezanov, and his dubious adventures in trying to establish and hold a Russian empire on American soil. Rezanov, a minor and...