by Site Owner | Oct 11, 2013 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), History
By Jonathan Conlin Counterpoint Press, 320 pages, $30.00 “‘Neighbor and rival, it is inevitable that in talking of Paris one comes to consider London.'” Separated by a language, culture, but little more than 200 miles, two of the...
by Site Owner | Sep 17, 2013 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Nature, Outdoors & Animals
Gorgeous Description of Forests and the Origin of Fairy Tales By Sara Maitland Counterpoint Press, $28.00, 354 pages Both the superb writing and the unusual topic distinguishes From the Forest as a wonderful, extraordinary book. Sara Maitland’s principal...
by michaeld | Jan 8, 2013 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Mystery, Crime & Thriller
A Lightening-paced Mystery with an Intricate Plot By Susan Dunlap Counterpoint Press, $25.00, 272 pages In No Footprints, stunt woman Darcy Lott, scouting a movie location on the Golden Gate Bridge, pulls back a woman who is trying to jump. The woman...