by michaeld | Jan 26, 2013 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Children's
Play Ball! By Douglas Florian Harcourt Children’s Books, $16.99, 32 pages What could be better for literary sports fans than a book with baseball themed poems and paintings? Douglas Florian brings young readers fifteen action-packed poems in Poem...
by michaeld | Jan 20, 2013 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Young Adult
By Carolyn Meyer Harcourt Children’s Books, $16.99, 420 pages The Wild Queen tells the story of Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scotland. Mary, crowned queen shortly after her birth, is sent to France at a young age, to grow up with her...
by michaeld | Jan 17, 2013 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Children's
Look Up in the Air! By Deb Lund, Illustrated by Howard Fine Harcourt Children’s Books, $16.99, 32 pages What’s that up in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Yes…but who is flying? It’s a Dinoflier! Stegosaurus is the pilot, T-Rex is...
by michaeld | Nov 2, 2012 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Children's
Mishandling Classic Lit for Educational Purposes By J. Patrick Lewis, Illustrated by Michael Slack Harcourt Children’s Books 19.99 40 pages J. Patrick Lewis in Edgar Allan Poe’s Pie: Math Puzzlers in Classic Poems rewrites classic poems to...
by Site Owner | Sep 19, 2012 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Children's
By Leslie Staub, Illustrated by R.G. Roth Harcourt Children’s Books, $16.99, 32 pages In Everybody Gets the Blues by Leslie Staub, we read the story of a little boy who has the blues. Luckily, the Blues Guy, complete with a trumpet and a smile, comes to brighten...