by Site Owner | Jan 31, 2014 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Mystery, Crime & Thriller
Stone & Steel By G.T. Anders Ripening Books, $11.95, 301 pages It’s 1967. Austin Feckidee is an artist, but he hasn’t quite found his muse. He has a grant, but he has yet to produce anything. Living in Babylon, in the shadow of an immense structure being...
by Site Owner | Sep 10, 2013 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Mystery, Crime & Thriller
A Chair Between the Rails Confounds and Amazes By G.T. Anders Ripening Books, $11.95, 220 pages A Chair Between the Rails, the first book in the Vaulan Cycle by author G. T. Anders, tells the story of James Feckidee. James was raised by his Uncle Phil, a brilliant man...