“Her arm tingled where his hand grabbed her. She congratulated herself on her smooth moves as she rubbed the tingle away. She also rubbed away the goose-bumps on her legs and arms. She would need to get control of herself if she wanted to survive sitting by Honorio. Even though only weeks remained before winter break, she feared it would be a long semester.”

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Legend of the Phoenix

By Jessica Holscher ASJ Publishing, $9.99, 387 pages Legend of the Phoenix by Jessica Holscher is a young adult adventure novel filled with fairies, nymphs, gremlins, a phoenix and a fair share of heroes. When main character Ethan is only a baby, he is abandoned and...


Take an Extraterrestrial Adventure By Jordan Hofer Inkwater Press, $14.95, 236 pages There is something about the unknown and certainly UFOs that captures our attention. Author Jordan Hofer explores that curiosity in Saucerville, his extraterrestrial adventure. Elliot...

“I hated what I was becoming and wanted to die.”

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