GetClientsNowIndispensable Book Loaded with Ideas, Tips and Information


By C. J. Hayden
Amacom, $19.95, 256 pages

C.J. Hayden has written an indispensable book called, Get Clients Now!. This book is geared towards professionals, consultants and coaches that survive by finding clients, providing solutions and ultimately, closing the sale. Hayden contends that this requires a systematic process coupled with winning strategies and a consistent approach. This book includes tons of ideas, tips, examples, and a 28-day action plan. Get Clients Now! is divided into three parts: the setup, the system and the strategies. Hayden suggests what does and does not work from a marketing standpoint. For example, most effective is direct contact and networking while least effective are promotional events and advertising. Hayden advocates tips for your website, business cards, taglines and even talking scripts.

“Choose a set of simple, effective things to do, and do them consistently.”

I love all the exercises and action sheets because they bring the entire author’s suggestions to life and help the reader take action on the concepts. There is a wealth of resources both in the book and online and after reading this book, there really will be no excuse to finding your next client!

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

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