by Whitney Smyth | Nov 12, 2019 | Featured
It is with great sadness that I must announce that I am no longer able to continue managing Portland Book Review to the degree that it deserves. I have been struggling with a series of interconnected illnesses over the last year, and it has finally reached the point...
by Whitney Smyth | Mar 19, 2019 | Columns, Featured, From the Editor
Some of you may have noticed a lack of posts for the last two weeks. Essentially, the most recent WordPress update completely broke the website’s back end as it no longer supports the current theme. For a while even the admins couldn’t access it enough to...
by Site Owner | Jan 10, 2019 | Columns, Featured, The Reader's Perspective
A new year brings new resolutions, and we decided to poll our reviewers about their reading goals for 2019. We got quite a range of responses, from specific number goals to tackling new and unfamiliar genres. What are your reading goals for the new year? “My...
by Guest Author | Oct 3, 2018 | Columns, Featured, Guest Posts
The Baryon Press recently announced the release of a new science title that is a combined, in-depth astronomy/ natural history course. Astronomy & Natural History Connections: From Darwin to Einstein, written by Barry Boyce, is essential reading for the...
by Whitney Smyth | Jul 10, 2018 | Columns, Featured, Interviews, Sponsored
Q. Hail Judeas Caesar is your first fictional novel. Was this a project that came together quickly or one that was years in the making? A. It took several years. After the idea first came to me, it took years before I even thought of writing a book. Then I spent a few...
by Guest Author | Jun 26, 2018 | Columns, Featured, Guest Posts
Writing My First Novel: I Let the Characters Lead by K.D. Girsch I have carried on a passionate affair with fiction – its characters and the authors who created them – since I was a child seeking out stories on the adult side of my small town’s one-room...