Public Affairs Books, $15.95, 288 pages
The children of the US are in trouble. An education system that was once top in the world is failing our children and the problem is getting worse by the day. In the book Waiting for “Superman”: How We Can Save America’s Failing Public Schools the reader gets a look at five families who are struggling to find success for their children in our lackluster education system. These stories are just a handful of the millions of children who will never get the education they deserve.
This book is meant to be a companion guide to the movie and I think it needs to stay that way in order for the message to be clear. My one critique would be that I would have liked to have seen positive stories as well. This book is very one sided and pushes the uplifting stories into the shadows. The movie does a much better job of putting a face to these stories and really pushes the viewer to take action. Overall the book was good, but my suggestion would be to see the movie instead.
Reviewed by Nicole Will