MicroSkill Publishing, $12.95, 228 pages
I Was Morgan Fairchild’s Love Slave by Stanley Harris is a farce about a chance meeting with Morgan Fairchild by a misogynistic, self-absorbed male with a wild imagination who directs this romantic comedy of a tale. Author and protagonist, Stanley’s childhood of nerdiness and obesity kept women at bay until, as a self-described hippie in the early seventies, Stanley heads to Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco during a break from college for a much-needed adventure. He hitchhikes south to L.A. and is picked up by none other than Morgan Fairchild, who ends up offering to let him stay in her home with her for the duration of his visit to California. In the Author’s Notes at the beginning of the book, he admittedly confesses it is merely a fictionalized accounting and that the idea of Morgan Fairchild as his love interest is purely made up. The events themselves, however, were apparently true.
Comedy abounds with uncultivated tangents in his fantasies like with his pet snake Satan and dreams of what may happen to him next or what he should be saying or doing. The story is engaging and believably clever, capturing character traits of the well known actress. It takes you on a moment by moment journey of his five days with her, sometimes to tedium but in the end, you can’t put it down; you’ll feel a burning need to know what happens in the end. While the title and premise are silly and make for an embarrassing book to carry around in public, the writing itself is hilarious, entrancing and forces you to relive your own memories, both good and bad, of that first love lost. All things considered, it is an entertaining tryst of a novel if you can get past the love-hate emotions you’ll feel for Morgan Fairchild as a person.
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