by Barry Franklin Ph.D., Joseph Piscatella
Workman Publishing, $15.95, 382 pages
You can take control of your heart health by following the program Joseph Piscatella and Dr. Barry Franklin present in their book Prevent, Halt & Reverse Heart Disease. Implementing 109 doable and practical suggestions will lead to better cardiac health.
The authors divide the book into four steps: 1) assess your risk, 2) manage daily stress, 3) make exercise a habit, and 4) balance your diet. You’ll read about ten risk factors that can be controlled by making lifestyle changes. Learn about ways to reduce stress and why stress works against your heart. The benefits of exercise are outlined and tips are given on how to “Disguise Your Exercise.” For example, unload grocery bags from the car one bag at a time to get in extra steps. A final section of the book discusses drug therapy, explains the procedures and tests for diagnosing heart disease, and reviews other options for treating the condition (i.e. bypass surgery).
Charts, diagrams, and worksheets located throughout the chapters aide in comprehension. The book’s tone is conversational. Make a positive change in your life by incorporating these heart healthy steps into your daily routine. Your heart will thank you!
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin