by Becky Beaupre Gillespie & Hollee Schwartz Temple
Harlequin, $16.95, 273 pages
Motherhood can be complicated enough, even without a tough job. Good Enough is the New Perfect looks at how mothers can work their dream job as well as be great mothers at home. It looks at women in the workplace and how motherhood has changed. It also explores how women have adapted to it, and how women have made the workplace adapt to them. It is not about settling for whatever life hands you, but simply deciding where your priorities are and sticking to them.
There is a lot of great advice and information on how to deal with the guilt of being a working mother. Although most of the women interviewed come from high-powered jobs, the advice can be applied to any woman facing the same problem of dealing with a job and kids. Although the advice is pretty basic, stick to your priorities and the rest will work itself out with a little help, how it is applied by the women in the book is a fascinating look at how the glass ceiling continues to crack. This a great book for anyone dealing with the problem of wanting to maintain a serious career and the guilt of child-raising.
Jamais Jochim