Bacon and Eggs Press, $16.95, 294 pages
Those whose favorite words are “breakfast is served” are in for a treat – literally – with Paul Gerald’s guide to the best morning meals in Portland, Breakfast in Bridgetown. Gerald claims breakfast is the Rose City’s favorite meal, and while food cart aficionados may argue otherwise, there is no doubt that bacon and eggs have a special niche in the hearts of Portlanders.
Fortunately, this thoroughly researched guidebook (tough job you’ve got there, Paul) delves in beyond the basics. It’s broken down not only by type of breakfast joint (classy, old school, hip, kiddie, even veggie), but discusses where to go for late night breakfasts, options for dining outdoors, and – naturally – lists breakfast carts. The alphabetical listing contains a wide variety of local breakfast spots, each one including hours of operation, price range, and a website link where applicable. A nice touch for java-loving Portlanders is a mention of the brand of coffee served, as well. Anybody seeking the perfect Breakfast in Bridgetown need look no further than Gerald’s perfectly sized compendium!
Mark Petruska