“The retreating bluff face had not really reached Tassy’s bedroom, but as she lay staring at the dark again the creaks and ticks expected of any aging house sounded like the clock of doom.”
San Andreas is a small town with ocean views and majestic redwoods, where people go for the quiet life. That’s why divorced Tassy Morgan came and paints landscapes from her deck. That’s why Lincoln Ellis came to open a B&B. But Tassy’s deck, along with the rest of her house, is sliding down the bluff, and new widower Linc has volunteered legal services to the town council. So much for quiet. Since Tassy and the town council – at least one certain member – are at odds over her crumbling house, Tassy and Linc are thrown together to find a solution and, just maybe, find each other too.
The characters are quirky, as small-town characters are wont to be, right down to the wandering dog. Tassy Morgan’s Bluff is a light read about second chances, told in battles of garish house paint and tall fences. But it’s not just about real estate; it’s about finding your place in the world again, connecting to people, and letting the past go. Things can get silly, and there’s a side plot that could easily be cut without changing much, so don’t look for realism here. But for something quick and fun, this is worth a try.
Leah Sims