By Vasmine Surovec
Andrews McMeel Publishing, $9.99, 128 pages

What is the difference between a Cat Lady and a Crazy Cat Lady? Look for copious amounts of cat hair on furniture and clothing and the presence of massive cat climbing structures in the living room. These indicate borderline “cat craziness.” Author and illustrator Yasmine Surovec first created her clever and sarcastic Cat versus Human cartoons on her popular public blog. After receiving 12,000 plus hits a day, she knew she had a hit on her hands. Readers can find 100 Cat Versus Human strips inside the inaugural collection of the cartoons. If you give your date/best friend/mother a gift and she likes the wrapping paper and ribbons more than the item, she is probably on her way to becoming a crazy cat lady. True love is sharing a bed (or an inch of the bed) with a crazy cat lady and all her cats. Surovec captures the quirky, sweet, and hilarious poses that cats make in her insightful illustrations. Whether you are one of the 38.2 million homes that care for a furry feline or if you appreciate the humor of what it means to be a cat person, you’ll enjoy this ode to Felis domesticus and their owners.

Kathryn Franklin

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