The Zero-Waste Lifestyle Live Well by Throwing Away Less5stars



Packed Full of Reasonable, Realistic Ways to Reduce Your Trash

By Amy Korst

Ten Speed Press, $14.99, 262 pages

Amy Korst writes the blog: GreenGarbageProject, which inspired the contents of the book The Zero–Waste Lifestyle.  Amy and her husband challenged themselves to live trash-free for a year. After a full year, they had managed to keep their trash to the size of a shoebox! ||Her book is divided into three parts:  Getting Started, Trash-Free Challenges and Next Steps. The Getting Started section reviews the basics of reduce, recycle and reuse, as well as, composting. Korst has the reader complete a home waste audit and provides checklists for each living space in the home. Once audits are completed, it is time to set a goal and ground rules. This section is loaded with information and charts such as “disposable products you can live without”. Besides reducing and recycling, Korst suggests making items yourself, upcycling and finding uses for broken or obsolete items.

The Trash-Free Challenges section covers specific topics in detail such as:  kitchen, bathroom, cleaning, kids, travel, workplace and holidays. Korst goes into detail about specific items, the trash created and possible replacement items. The Next Steps section discusses the world-wide issue of trash and global initiatives to reduce trash. ||There are tons of ideas, suggestions and information in this book. I especially liked how Korst suggests easy, moderate and advanced methods for a lot of her ideas and at the end of every chapter. The book closes with an “A to Z guide to recycling just about anything”. It makes the concept of reducing your trash much more obtainable. The Zero-Waste Lifestyle is a book that is realistic, with tons of ideas and strategies to reduce your trash. This is a must-read for anyone interested in leaving a smaller mark on the Earth.

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

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