By Jane Barthelemy
Lifelong Books, $18.99, 246 pages
For those who have committed their new year to a Paleo diet and lifestyle and are craving a treat that is as decadent as the sugar- and flour-laden all-American originals, Paleo Desserts by Jane Barthelemy shows you how to indulge your sweet tooth without sacrificing your health. With 125 recipes and gorgeous color photos, Bathelemy demonstrates how to recreate classic cakes, cookies, pies, ice cream, mousses and chocolate confections using Paleo ingredients. Cooks with more than one diet restriction will find a helpful guide that groups the recipes into other alternative diets like gluten-free, vegan and diabetic-friendly.
“The role of this book is to help you to feel young and achieve a balance of flavors by enjoying natural sweets that do not raise blood sugar levels … You’ll find a host of delicious recipes aimed at stabilizing your metabolism for optimal health.”
The list of special ingredients needed to recreate the taste and texture of your favorite cupcakes and cookies can be daunting to those just getting started with Paleo, but once you have a few staple ingredients and the right equipment you can make the majority of the recipes in the book easily. Even those not committed to the Paleo diet and lifestyle will enjoy the healthful smoothie recipes that are surprisingly delicious and easy to assemble. The Blueberry Harmony Smoothie is a healthy drink that anyone would love as an afternoon snack. For a diet that restricts refined sugars, grains and so many of the other elements that make up an appealing dessert, Barthelemy shows readers that they don’t have to sacrifice health for pleasure!
Reviewed by Kristin Leigh
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