Lots of Nutritionally Packed Recipes!
By Shell Harris & Elizabeth Johnson
Da Capo Press, $16.00, 202 pages
Skinny Smoothies is the result of Smoothieweb.com, a site founded in 2006 to share recipes and information about all things smoothies. This book shares 101 recipes to help you detox and lose weight. Of course, you can still gain valuable information about nutrients, as well as other healthy side effects such as energy and nutritional gaps in your diet. The first three chapters cover detoxing, ingredients and necessary equipment. The book lists detox must-haves, recommended daily intakes and even a sample week’s menu. There is an in-depth chapter on equipment that also includes an exhaustive list of ingredients: fruits, vegetables, herbs and supplements are all alphabetized. Chapter four covers breakfast smoothies and lists nutritional information. There are also chapters focusing on meal replacements, energy and midafternoon slumps. The book ends with metric conversion charts.
Skinny Smoothies boasts plenty of variety and easy-to-follow recipes. Even if weight loss is not your goal, there are plenty of interesting recipes that will allow you to try something different every day of the week. This reviewer is ready to fire up a blender and improve her nutritional wallop!
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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