No New Tips Here
By Sara Lundberg
Ulysses Press, $12.95, 160 pages
Sara Lundberg has a very successful blog,, which was the catalyst for her book Budget Savvy Diva’s Guide to Slashing Your Grocery Bill by 50% or More. Sara learned her frugal ways from her parents and grandfather and enjoyed mastering couponing and other resourceful money-saving ways. Her book is organized into nine chapters beginning with menu planning and ranging in topics from going to the grocery store, eating healthy on a budget, coupons 101, recipes and finally, leftovers. The book is written with a kitschy style and humor. Lundberg suggests using a common-sense approach. Some chapters include text boxes that highlight specific information to remember. This reviewer wished she used that strategy more often to make this text-heavy book a bit more digestible. Topics within a chapter are often numbered which helps with readability.
Unfortunately, there really were no “hidden gems” in this book. The information was very basic and would be most valuable to a very new shopper and someone just starting out on the thrift bandwagon. If you are a seasoned coupon-user or are already budget conscious, pass on this book and keep doing what you are already doing.
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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