Nursery Tale Mysteries
By David Levinthal, Illustrated by John Nickle
Schwartz & Wade Books, $17.99, 40 pages
Most younger children are familiar with classic nursery rhymes like Humpty Dumpty. But as they grow, some children consider them babyish and are no longer interested. David Levinthal’s Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty?: And Other Notorious Nursery Tale Mysteries will help five to eight year olds dig deeper into the twists and turns of classic nursery stories and re-kindle their curiosity.
The book is broken into chapters that focus on different nursery rhymes. Levinthal uses each chapter to give reader the premise of a story and then tries to lead children to discover who could have done the crime. By the end of the section, someone has been identified. Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty? still has images beside the text making it a great transition source for children ready to begin reading chapter books. It would also make a perfect addition to many elementary school libraries.
Reviewed by Sophie Sestero
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