OpeningDoorstoTeamworkFour Simple Keys to Lasting Change


By Judith H. Katz & Frederick A. Miller
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., $18.95, 117 pages

Judith Katz and Frederick Miller contend that effective interactions can make a world of difference in organizations in their book Opening Doors to Teamwork & Collaboration. They offer four behavioral guidelines: Lean into Discomfort, Listen as an Ally, State Your Intent and Intensity and Share Your Street Corners. These four behaviors build trust, collaboration, understanding and ultimately breakthroughs. The authors believe that if you change the interaction, you will change the experience and most importantly, the result. This slim, easy-to-read book with colorful pages is loaded with stories, examples and a checklist of specific actions to take. This book will easily create a shared language in your workplace – and that is exactly the intention of Katz and Miller. For example, if everyone in your workplace knows that your statement is: a notion, a stake, a boulder or a tombstone they will understand the desired response the speaker is looking for because they understand the speaker’s level of commitment.

“Having clear interaction is critical, and yet we seem to find less time and less capability to understand each other.”

The beauty of this book is its simplicity. It is simple to read, simple to understand and simple to implement. For true sustained change, this reviewer believes this is a winning formula. The book has a clean design with uncluttered pages. You can easily read this book in an hour but the suggested actions and changes could possibly last a lifetime.

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

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