LaurenConradBeautyCreate a New Style


By Lauren Conrad
Harper, $21.99, 276 pages

Few young adults have access to a beauty team – hairstylists and makeup artists who can literarily create a flawless look for you in minutes. Since joining the entertainment industry as a cast member on MTV’s series about teens in Laguna Beach (remember The Hills?), Lauren Conrad has worked with these professionals on an almost daily basis. In her book Lauren Conrad Beauty, Conrad offers readers information she has learned along the way about how to find and perfect your own style.

There is a lot of great information for teen girls or any woman who wants to learn more about skin and hair care, fitness, healthy food choices, makeup and nails. In the Introduction, Conrad points out that because she doesn’t want readers to feel they need to look like her, she has included other female models in the book. Yet every face fits the same mold – skinny, blemish free skin, white teeth, long hair, and cheerleader looks. Many readers will not see themselves in the book and that is a real shame.

As a fashion guide, Beauty has a lot to offer. Step-by-step instructions are placed side-by-side with corresponding photos of the makeup or hair lesson. Conrad fans will enjoy the side columns highlighting a personal anecdote pertaining to the topic. One fun chapter features looks from past decades with suggestions on how to dress the part. In each section the best tools and supplies to use are discussed and materials to avoid are mentioned. By the time you’re through reading Beauty, you’ll know how to shape your brow, how to use all those different size makeup brushes, how to deal with acne and how to create everyday pretty looks.

Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin

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