[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]

Though totally involved with cake batters, icings and baking equipment, Pop Art Decorating & Shaping is not a baking book. Author Kris Galicia Brown even claims she is not a pastry chef, not baker but and artist, a custom cake decorator. In case you don’t know what pop art is in the kitchen, it’s an artistic culinary creation, little avocado-sized balls shaped into beautiful designs, stuck on lollipop sticks and placed on top of cakes. The instructions of making these are perfectly clear and, though not hard to make, neither are they easy.

“Get ready to make some of these small, beautiful, incredibly irresistible, and incredibly satisfying treats!”

Artistic ability and patience are essential: these are somewhat time-consuming to make but the rewards are “oooh’s” and “aaah’s” on presentation. The author writes good, detailed information on tools, equipment, how to make the basic cake and icing (you are free to use ready-made cake mixes and store-bought icings). In the last section she provides four cake and two binder recipes, and web links to cake and candy supplies. In the main section she gives you instructions on how to make forty-one designs, all illustrated with beautiful photography (animals of all sorts, objects, fruits, even holiday trees). This book is a must for serious cake decorators.

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