When Art and Imagination Collide, Titans Are Born
By Andy McVittie
Titan Books, $34.95, 192 pages
This reviewer hasn’t heard too many complaints about the game Titanfall, and after perusing The Art of Titanfall this reviewer is not sure why anybody would complain. This reviewer wholly understands that concept art and design books are just one facet of the total game design process, but the art is the essence of the game and breathes life into an idea even before bringing software into the mix. The only thing this book is lacking is a succinct introduction to the premise of Titanfall’s story. The reader is given only a vague notion of the actual story, however, if you are just after the art and process from development to Gold shipment then this book will hit the spot.
“After nearly two and half years, many false starts, reboots, dead ends, dramas, heated debates, and months of work created and discarded- we did it.”
As is usual with Titan art books, this book is beautifully hardbound and the perfect size to display as an interesting conversation piece. The pages are filled with glossy full-color images of sketches, character sheets, vehicles and weapon concepts, environment objects, level designs with backstories, and polished post-production gameplay art. This is definitely a book that will keep you engaged for hours, and well worth its price tag.
Reviewed by Kim Heimbuch
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