[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Delacorte Press
Formats: Hardcover, Kindle, eBook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]

An otherworldly tale with a twist, Bloodwitch delivers a unique story and captivating imagery. The narrative is told from the perspective of young, naïve Vance, a unique shape-changing bird called a Quetzal, as he begins not knowing who he really is.

The story begins with a wonderful prologue that tells of the danger of keeping one of these incredible birds in a cage. The story is woven within the book as the reader begins to see the truth, long before Vance understands the danger in which he has been placed. His infatuation with the Vampires who care for him allows him to be caged in a world that seems too good to be true. The land of Midnight encloses the mystical being until the magic is shattered, and the world truly opens for Vance. As the idea of who Vance is grows into more than a story, the world unfolds and his power is unleashed. Freed from the cage, Vance must learn about the “real” world before him and teach himself to have his own ideals and goals as he finds where he truly belongs. This first installment gives a good foundation for the series and will leave readers anxious for the next book.

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