[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Da Capo Lifelong Books
Formats: Paperback, Kindle, eBook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Salad Samurai will make a salad lover out of even the pickiest eater. This incredible resource offers 100 salad recipes and includes dressings, toppings, and sweet options. Although this book is focused on the vegan eater, anyone will find something to love. Salad Samurai opens with planning tips and advice on how to get started. Helpful hints are included on most recipes, and “Samurai Stylings” suggest variations on the recipe. Insights on pressing tofu, making a salad portable, and ingredients truly make this book a valuable foundation to eating more salads. Salad recipes are divided by season, and the dressing options are robust. Recipes are easy to follow, and steps are numbered. Ingredients are readily found at your local store. The index is organized by ingredients and definitely helps the cook narrow the recipes by vegetable and fruit options.
Terry Hope Romero clearly knows how to create appetizing salads for the vegan eater. It is an added bonus that any meat eater will be tempted to add a few more salads to their menus.
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