[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: University of Nebraska Press
Formats: Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
This reviewer is still trying to figure out what this book is really about, and also why it was written. It is really a collection of essays written by a young college professor about growing up, moving around on mission trips to France and becoming an adult. Each short essay explores a different theme, from Angry Birds and attention spans of young children, to foosball tables and the quest to find the right one. Even travelogues about living in France are spread throughout the book. Each essay is not very long, and they do not need to be read in order, since one does not build on the others. Each essay is self-contained. While an easy, and quick read it is hard to determine why this was exactly written. The essays really do not convey an overarching theme beyond growing up and becoming an adult. And they certainly do not build on each other as well. The reason it was easy to get through the book was because it is thin. It is just disappointing to read these types of essays and feel no real common theme, no sense of a point being developed across each essay.
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