[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Countryman Press
Formats: Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Good news for lovers of jerky—it is not hard to make at all. Author Pamela Braun points out in Jerky Everything, home-made is so much better tasting and better for you than chemical-laden store-bought jerky. Braun has a huge number of jerky recipes in this beautifully produced trade paperback. The ten-page introduction has everything you need to know about making jerky, the equipment and knowhow. Her recipe writing and instructions are very good, and the head notes are also informational. The layout is careful to avoid page turning while following instructions for an individual recipe. Photo illustrations are wonderful, many showing the final products next to instructions.
The methods for jerky making are simple. All of them start with a marinating process, and for the critical part of dehydration to end up with good jerky Braun gives you choices. However, the best way is to have a dehydrator in which you can regulate the critical temperature. Beef is by far the most popular jerky in America, and in this book you’ll find as many as sixty-nine beef jerky recipes, some are unusual (ground beef jerky). Then come pork/lamb, game, poultry, fish and even vegetables and fruits. The index is nicely cross-referenced as well. This is a nice cookbook to have for any jerky lover.
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