[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Formats: Board Book, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: ” target=”_blank”>Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]

I’m Sunny combines a children’s board book with comics. Sunny is the sun and he wants to know what makes you happy. Sunny chases a red balloon with a whoosh, swoop, and grab. Sunny is happy when he catches the balloon, but then Tizzy Tornado shows up. Tizzy wants the balloon but Sunny does not want to share. Tizzy gets sad and asks Sunny how he feels now. Now Sunny is sad, too and learns that sharing with Tizzy makes him happy again.

The drawings in the book are bright and comic-like and the words on the pages are simple. Sound effects are also used in order to tell the story. There are lessons about feelings, sharing, and how feelings are displayed. This easy-to-read and understand story will delight children with its whimsy and emotions that they can relate to, all combined with learning how to talk about feelings and sharing. The book is cute; the lessons are large and this book certainly will become a favorite with your little reader.

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