[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Prometheus Books
Formats: Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Who doesn’t love sweets? This reviewer was excited to learn more about candy in Susan Benjamin’s book, Sweet as Sin. Benjamin is a candy historian and national speaker on the topic. It is obvious she loves candy and all the history behind its creation. The book is full of research and black and white photos, but lacks much in true substance. Benjamin includes plenty of personal perspectives from various people in history that were involved in candy making. The author also discusses her father a great deal but the reviewer failed to see how sharing these personal details added to the history of candy. Additionally, the book could have been much more effective if it followed a chronological timeline rather than skipping randomly from fact to fact with no apparent tie to history.
Overall, this book reads like a research paper, instead of a compelling story with facts weaved through it. Some of the photographs did not relate to the content, so this reviewer was unsure of why certain photos were included. Although there are some interesting tidbits and facts littered throughout this book, it will take work on the readers’ part to find those hidden gems.
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