Cioletti passion for booze is evident in The Drinkable Globe. It appears that Cioletti left no stone unturned in his detailed anthology of global alcohol. History lessons, fun facts, and personal favorites are littered throughout the book. Cioletti is the editor-at-large of Beverage World magazine so his knowledge is vast and he spares no secrets. Eleven chapters span Australia to Asia to Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, North America, and even Antarctica! As one reads this book, if nothing else, it becomes quickly evident that there a lot of countries in the world and each is unique. Cocktail recipes are shared, too.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Turner
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
“Think of this book as a series of happy hours and geography lessons rolled into one. Call it The Geography of Drinking 101. There are no exams in this class, though. The only thing getting tested will be your palate.”
This reviewer is not a robust drinker, but the stories shared were mesmerizing and intriguing. Most interesting was how history and locale shaped how the various alcohols were woven into the fabric of each unique society. Religion also plays into how alcohol is consumed and viewed. Photos were sparse but the recipes coupled with the rich details make this book a must-have for any booze connoisseur.
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