Jojo Moyes continues the story of Louisa Clark in her latest book, Still Me. Louisa’s constant reminders of Will launch her into her next adventure in New York City. Louisa takes a role as a personal assistant to a super wealthy couple, specifically the wife Agnes. Louisa is exposed to the whims and trials of super wealthy society and manages to be awestruck, confused and ostracized all at once. To make things even more difficult, Louisa leaves her boyfriend back in England and meets Joshua, who has an uncanny resemblance to Will. There are many twists and turns to the story including Agnes’s double life, misunderstandings that any long-distance relationship must endure and thoughts of “what could be” if Louisa is willing to do whatever is requested from her.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Pamela Dorman Books
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle, Audiobook, Audible
Purchase: Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
Moyes once again creates a compelling story with characters that the reader will fall in love with or hate or both! Glimpses into jealously, secrets and pondering make this book an interesting read. Readers will be captivated by Louisa all over again as she navigates learning a new city, making new friends and discerning her place in her new home, as well as, her previous home. Readers will be entertained, charmed and even challenged as they decide if Louisa should follow her heart.
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