Agronin proposes that the reader change his lens when it comes to how to view aging. Oftentimes, people are looking for the magic pill to sustain a fountain of youth, but instead need to just view aging differently. “The bottom line is that you have to determine your own meaningful path, built upon your unique age-given strengths of wisdom, purpose, and creativity.” In fact, many needed life skills do not develop fully until we are older and just because we might be getting “slower” does not mean we know or can do less.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Da Capo Lifelong Books
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle, Audible
Purchase: Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
The book is focused on three main topics: Why age, why survive, and why thrive? The final section asks the reader to develop an action plan to focus on aging as a positive rather than something to be endured. Agronin’s book is dense with examples, stories and research from his own practice. There are a few tables to break up all the text, but reading can be cumbersome with so many words and little white space. Nonetheless, the book offers practical advice, interesting narratives, and a sound perspective on how to change one’s viewpoint from drudgery to exploring older adult’s wealth of knowledge and experience in a positive manner.
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