There has been a recent boom in Chinese science fiction. Known in China as kehuan, these genre writers have found a lot of success with Western audiences. Sinopticon is an anthology celebrating kehuan. The thirteen stories are as diverse as the authors themselves, spanning the genre from dystopian to bioengineering to space travel. The writers hail from all over China and range in age and background. Many have received awards for their works.
If you have never read any works by Chinese sci-fi authors, here is your chance. If you know their work, this book provides more great stories. Read of Gu Shi’s world, where people can save their memories to a file and correct their choices in “The Last Save.” Enjoy Jiang Bo’s “Starship Library” about the galaxy’s largest library.
For readers who cannot read the stories in the original language, we have editor and translator Xueting Christine Ni to thank for bringing these stories to life. Born in China and educated in London, Ni is solidly grounded in the language and culture of both East and West. When the original text cannot be adequately translated or explanations of culture need to be provided, Ni includes notes at the end of each story. These notes also include insights into the authors and their work. Enjoy this trip into the world of kehuan.