Ilsbeth Clark is The Witch in the Well. Centuries ago, she was accused of witchcraft when children went missing from their village, and though acquitted, the townspeople decided to throw her into the well. Elena now owns the property adjacent to the well and has returned to sell it. She becomes inspired to write about Ilsbeth, much to the chagrin of her childhood friend, Cathy, who has spent years researching and writing her own book. If they aren’t careful, the witch may claim even more souls. As they dig into the legend, they very well may be digging their own graves.
This was an interesting book and I’m not really sure how to classify it. It’s a slow burn, so it isn’t particularly thrilling, and while there is a touch of the supernatural, it isn’t really horror either. The best way I could describe it is that you are reading a town legend that while creepy, you haven’t witnessed yourself, so you are a bit detached from it all. I think the overall lesson was, don’t make deals with demons. It never ends well. I guess if you don’t have anything else to read, you could try this.