Children do love books about animals, and it is always great to find a fresh look at making an informational text about animals. Writing one that will hold the interest of children is a challenge. Author Emmanuelle Grundmann, who has a doctorate in ethology, the science of animal behavior, is the perfect person for this task.
She has filled every spread with bite-sized chunks of fun, conversational text that will introduce young readers to the astonishing and amazing ways a wide variety of animals use their senses. She covers all kinds of animals from little spiders and beetles to huge whales and elephants and everything in between.
Did you know that a polar bear can smell a seal nineteen miles away or that a blue-tongued skink can bounce a flash of blue light with its tongue to scare predators away or that Gambian pouched rats can detect underground mines because their sense of smell is three hundred times greater than humans?
This book is chock full of fascinating facts like this. Illustrations in soft colors by Clémence Dupont support the text by filling every page with beautifully rendered pictures of all these animals. Kids will love this book.