An Unlikely Suitor

By Nancy Moser, Bethany House, $14.99, 394 pages I found this story to be at times interesting and at times irritating. Some of the characters act as they should, considering the time in which the story is set, and some of them do not. With no reprisals! There seems...


By Cathy Marie Hake, Bethany House, $14.99, 336 pages Serendipity can be a series of happenings that lead one to a happier place. Or maybe even a state of mind. Surely, when Todd Valmer of Gooding, Texas took his seriously ill mother off the train in Carver’s Holler,...

The Princess in His Bed

By Lila DiPasqua, Berkley, $15.00, 336 pages You really should handle this book with asbestos (or other flame-proof material) gloves! Merci! Lila DiPasqua takes three classic fairy tales and turns them into fiery tales. Does she ever! All three are set during the time...