by Site Owner | May 17, 2012 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Children's
By Catherine Urdahl Charlesbridge Press, $7.95, 32 pages The first day of school can be scary, especially when you’re entering kindergarten. New rules, new people, and new personalities abound, and sometimes, not everyone gets along. How can you mend a class where...
by Site Owner | Apr 13, 2012 | Young Adult
By Liz Gallagher Wendy Lamb Books, $15.99, 180 pages Shock value. Vanessa knows two things about making a statement. As an aspiring artist, she realizes what she creates on canvas makes a bold declaration, an extension of sorts of herself. She also realizes that her...
by Site Owner | Apr 2, 2012 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Romance
By Mary Connealy Bethany House, $14.99, 330 pages When I saw that Nebraska author Mary Connealy’s latest book Out of Control: The Kincaid Brides was available, I wanted to read it because I’m from Nebraska, have heard positive comments about her novels, yet haven’t...
by Site Owner | Feb 17, 2012 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), General Fiction
by Austin Boyd Zondervan, $14.99, 332 pages As soon as I saw the title of Austin Boyd’s book Nobody’s Child, The Pandora Files, I wanted to read it. The thought of mysterious circumstance – the Pandora of ever-changing situations – was intriguing. Then, I opened the...
by Site Owner | Jan 13, 2012 | Young Adult
by Brian Selznick Scholastic Press, $29.99, 460 pages Literature and art collide forming a new genre that others will eventually mimic in Brian Selznick’s Wonderstruck. The novel, geared toward teen and Young Adult readers, assembles drawings, text, and what appears...