Healthy Ideas Abound!
By David B. Biebel, DMin, James E. Dill, MD & Bobbie Dill, RN
Revell, 256 pages, $12.99
There is nothing revolutionary in The A to Z Guide to Healthier Living, but if most people just followed one or two tips from the book, they certainly would be healthier. The variety of topics is broad, and each topic has facts and figures associated with it. Many topics have strategies for healthier living, too. Topics range from accepting your mortality and dodging cancer, to feasting on fiber and just enjoying your work. This book addresses not only physicality, but also the mind and spirit.
“There is nothing revolutionary in the A to Z.”
Because the authors are a minister and husband and wife Christian medical team, it is not surprising to see lots of connections to the Bible and religious figures. Of course, the true success for this book is if the reader can actually make long lasting changes in their behavior. After reading this book, one might change or just take a nap (as tip #59 suggests).
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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