sugarGreat Resource to Wean Yourself Off Sugar




By Patricia Farris MD & Brooke Alpert MS RD
Lifelong Books, 288 pages, $24.99

The Sugar Detox is based on the expertise of Patricia Farris, a dermatologist, and Brooke Apert, a nutritionist. They have written a comprehensive book about how sugar affects our health and looks.  The book opens with a quick quiz to determine where the reader is on the addiction scale. Their program suggests an initial three-day detox for both sugar consumption and skincare. The authors list what can and cannot be eaten. They also recommend cooking techniques. The three-day detox is followed by a four-week schedule with menu plans and recipes. The book is littered with personal stories of many of Farris and Apert’s clients. The final section of the book offers numerous suggestions for avoiding sugar when eating out and divides their suggestions by cuisine type such as Italian, Chinese, etc.  The appendix is comprehensive with lists of suggested brands for both food and skincare.

“In short, sugar is compromising our health, making us fat, lazy, and ugly.”


The authors contend that eating less sugar will lead to a healthier life and better skin. They provide lots of research and personal examples. Their recipes are easy to follow and use reasonable ingredients and preparation styles. This book would be a great resource for anyone trying to cut down on their sugar consumption and offers great insight on the “surprise” sugar content of many of our favorite foods.

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

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