Each morning before school, a little girl stops to visit a beautiful, pink flower she tells how truly wonderful it is and how much she loves it. One day a man notices her on his property and asks her never to return. Without her, the flower begins to die. The man blames his gardener and decides he’s the only one who can properly care for it. He finally summons the child back to share her magical touch. What he learns is he needs to express his gratitude for it instead of speaking about himself. When he does, it’s petals spring to life, and his own disposition is changed.
Bloom is a story about kindness, humility, and thankfulness. The man’s selfishness and arrogance cause the flower to lose its vitality. Similarly, his unhappiness is a result of them. While very young children may not be able to make this connection, older ones will and will notice the transformation that occurs in him when, out of necessity, he transforms his attitude. It’s as if his heart blooms.
This is a great book for teachers and parents of young children wish to inspire positivity and selflessness in them. It’s relatively short, and they’ll likely gain new insights with each additional read.