5.1.12: From the Editor Quandary

What is the subject suppose to be for a “From the Editor” article? Is there a standard for this forum? I’ve looked around and haven’t gleaned any set expectations. In fact, I have to admit that I never used to care what editors had to say because they edit the entire...

3.5.12: From the Editor

Welcome to our one-year anniversary issue! It seems as though we’ve just begun and yet, we have a whole year full of activities to look back on, learn from and vividly relive. What stands out the most to me is all the new friends we’ve made…just like you. You mean so...

01.05.12: From the Editor: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! What a joyful sentiment. It’s filled with cheerfulness, potential, renewed enthusiasm and giddy anticipation. A new year brings new buds of hope. Hope. As I think back over this last year, I am reminded of all the newness and growth – even through...
12.5.11: From the Editors

12.5.11: From the Editors

I want to be a writer, not just a writer, but a best-selling novelist. Many aspire to that lofty, albeit lonely dream. People blog daily to hone their craft, they self-publish, submit countless queries to publishing houses, send articles to magazines with the hope of...
12.5.11: From the Editors

10.20.11: From the Editors: Wordstock!

Whew!  Wordstock 2011 has come and gone.  We have a huge pile of books and materials, and hundreds of new friends.  We, the editors of Portland Book Review, would like to thank everybody who came to our booth Saturday and Sunday October 8th and 9th.  You made us feel...
12.5.11: From the Editors

9.1.11: From the Editors

I feel like we got cheated out of a warm summer this year. In fact, I’ve been complaining about it to anyone who would listen. Why do we complain about the weather? We can’t change it. If we moved away, we’d only discover different weather to complain about; perhaps...